Western Groundwater Congress

DBS&A’s Platinum Exhibitor booth at the Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) 2024 Western Groundwater CongressVisit DBS&A’s Platinum Exhibitor booth at the Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) 2024 Western Groundwater Congress taking place on October 7 through 9, 2024 in Olympic Valley (Lake Tahoe), California. DBS&A Hydrogeologist Gus Tolley, PhD, PG, will lead a workshop titled “AP Why? Leveraging APIs to Improve Your Workflows.” Geo-Logic Associates affiliate Clear Creek Associates Principal Hydrogeologists Geno Mammini, RG, and Marvin Glotfelty, PG, will present “Tests to Optimize Groundwater Well Design.” (See detailed abstracts below.) DBS&A Principal Hydrogeologist Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, and Senior Hydrogeologist Luis Busso, PG, will be also attending. Learn more about DBS&A’s environmental data management and  water resources planning and development expertise.

Other conference presentation topics include the evolution of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), enhancing the resilience of water supplies and infrastructure, addressing public health concerns related to emerging contaminants, navigating the evolving role of technology, ensuring environmental resilience, exploring financial strategies, and more.

AP Why? Leveraging APIs to Improve Your Workflows presented by Dr. Gus Tolley, PG

The workshop will start with an overview of what an API is and why they are so incredibly useful, then cover what an API call is, how they are typically structured, and scripting libraries/packages that assist with generating the API call. There will be demonstrations accessing data programmatically (using R and python code), both tabular and spatial data from publicly accessible databases (e.g., OSWCR, GAMA, NWIS, REST servers). Dr. Tolley will also demonstrate the same automated workflow being applied to multiple areas to showcase how much productivity can be gained by leveraging APIs and scripted workflows.

Slug Tests to Optimize Groundwater Well Design presented by Marvin Glotfelty, RG and Geno Mammini, RG

Southwest and drought. Those two words are driving a frenzy of well installation projects across the region. Unfortunately, many unsuspecting buyers are ending up with supply wells that do not meet expectations from either a production standpoint, water quality needs, or both and there is little a buyer can do once the well is installed. In today’s world of ever tighter budgets, entities must utilize the latest groundwater exploration techniques to minimize risk. One technique, slug or falling head tests can be used to predict both water quality and production before the well is actually installed. This presentation provides an overview of the data needs, analysis, and will present nearly 50 case history examples comparing predicted versus actual results, compiled over a 20-year period.