DBS&A at Biennial Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge

Amy Ewing, PG, Hydrologist, presented on Managed Aquifer Recharge and Water Supply Resilience in Albuquerque,” work done in collaboration with DBS&A’s Christopher Wolf, PG, and Katherine Yuhas of Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority at the 17th Biennial Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge earlier this month.

Career Opportunity!

DBS&A is hiring a highly motivated Marketing and Proposal Coordinator, preferably in Albuquerque, New Mexico or Austin, Texas, to help to pursue projects that address clients’ challenges related to management and development of natural resources and the environment. Learn more.   

Tom Golden Leads DBS&A Austin Engineering

Texas-licensed Professional Engineer Thomas Golden, PE, has returned to DBS&A’s Austin office. With 20 years of experience (13 engineering at DBS&A), he will be responsible for ensuring excellence in the quality of our design of environmental investigations and remediation of soil and groundwater; design and permitting of landfills, waste disposal facilities, stormwater, water supply, and wastewater projects; and field and laboratory data analysis.

Pinal Valley Recharge Project Receives ASCE Project of Year Award

Proud of GLA affiliate, Clear Creek Associates, to have played a key role in the @Arizona Water Company’s Pinal Valley Recharge and Recovery Facility project, recipient of the @Arizona Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Project of Year award. Work included collection of soil, lithologic, and water quality data; geotechnical analyses; design and implementation of a 60-day pilot basin recharge test; groundwater modeling; and preparation of a hydrologic study in support of an application for a new USF / WS permit.

DBS&A to Present at California Groundwater Conference

DBS&A Hydrogeologists, Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, and Timothy Moore, PG, CHG, and Staff Geologist, Kaelyn Schwartz, GIT, will be presenting virtually at the Groundwater Resources Association of California Western Groundwater Congress on September 14 through September 17, 2020.

NGWA Outstanding Groundwater Supply Project Award Recipient

DBS&A is honored to have been selected as this year’s recipient of the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Outstanding Groundwater Supply Project Award in recognition of our work on the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority’s Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) Large-Scale Recharge Project. According to the NGWA’s website, “the Outstanding Groundwater Project Awards recognize […]

Welcome Patrick O’Connell

Virtually welcoming DBS&A’s newest hydrogeologist, Patrick O’Connell, PG! He joins our growing team of hydrologists and hydogeologists in our Costa Mesa, California office focused on assisting clients with water resource investigations. Email Patrick.

Welcome Shey Rajagopal

DBS&A is excited to announce we have added Dr. Shey Rajagopal as our newest surface water/groundwater integrated modeling specialist with expertise on climate change impacts on water resources.  Shey comes to DBS&A after several years of applied scientific research on water resources at the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada.

DBS&A at Texas Groundwater Management Conference

The American Ground Water Trust (AGWT) program on Texas Groundwater will take place virtually on August 12th and 13th, in cooperation with the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). DBS&A’s groundwater professionals —Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, Stephanie Moore, PG, and Andrew Donnelly, PG—will participate in this important event. Vice President, Principal Hydrogeologist, Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, […]

Groundwater Availability in the Permian Basin for Oil & Gas Operations

Neil Blandford, PG,  Albuquerque, New Mexico-based Senior Vice President and Principal Hydrologist and Hydrogeologists from our Austin and Midland, Texas offices Andrew Donnelly, PG, and Michael Jacobs, PG, delivered a virtual presentation on “Groundwater Availability in the Permian Basin” organized by the Water Committee of Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA) recently. Targeted for oil and […]