Blandford, N., F. Botros. 2019. Invited participant/speaker for Brackish Groundwater Panel at the Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts, Texas Groundwater Summit. San Antonio, Texas, August 22, 2019.
Botros, F. E. 2018. Emerging Convergence between the Law and Hydrology of Water Quality and Quantity. Presented at Law Seminars International Seminar. Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 8, 2018.
Botros, F.E., N.Blandford, C.Wolf, and B.Salvas. 2015. Groundwater Flow and Geochemical Modeling to Support Mine Closure and Permitting. Modflow and More Conference. Golden, Colorado, June 1-3, 2015.
Botros, F.E., T. Harter, Y.S. Onsoy, and T. Ginn. 2012. Richards equation-based modeling to estimate flow and nitrate transport in a deep alluvial vadose zone. Vadose Zone Journal, v. 11, vzj2011.0145, doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0145.
Stephens, D.B., F.E. Botros, S. Helenschmidt, P. Quinlan, and D.W. Davis. 2012. Rising groundwater: unexpected consequences downgradient of a freeway expansion. National Ground Water Association Ground Water Summit, May 6-10, 2012, Garden Grove, California.
Botros, F.E., J.L. Wilson., J. Cherney, and D.B. Stephens. 2012. Model telescoping: From a regional to a local scale. Groundwater Association of California 21st Annual Conference and Meeting, October 3-5, 2012, Rohnert Park, California.
Botros, F.E., D.B. Stephens, S. Helenschmidt, W. Casadevall, P. Quinlan, and D. Davis. 2012. The importance of hydrogeologic characterization and analysis to avoid off-site impacts in highway construction. Geo-Congress, Oakland, California, March 25 -29, 2012.
Harter, T., A. O’Geen, P. Hemes, F.E. Botros, V. Bullard, G. Weissmann, and J. Hopmans. 2010. Nonpoint source pollutant transfer across deep vadose zones—A multiscale investigation to inform regulatory monitoring, assessment, and decision making. Report submitted to Kearney Foundation Project (2007 – 2009).
Botros, F.E., T. Harter, Y.S. Onsoy, M. Denton, A. Tuli, and J. Hopmans. 2009. Spatial variability of hydraulic properties and sediment characteristics in a deep alluvial unsaturated zone. Vadose Zone Journal, 8:276-289.
Botros, F.E, A. Hassan, D.M. Reeves, and G. Pohll. 2008. On mapping fracture networks onto continuum. Water Resources Research, 44, W08435, doi:10.1029/2007WR006092.
Harter, T. and F.E. Botros, 2008. Effect of hierarchical, multi-scale heterogeneity on long-term nitrate transport in a deep vadose zone. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 15-19, 2008.
Botros, F.E. and T. Harter, 2008. Modeling flow and nitrate transport in a heterogeneous vadose zone: Comparison of three approaches. Presented at the Geological Society of America (GSA) joint annual meeting, Houston, Texas, October 5-9, 2008.
Botros, F.E. and T. Harter. 2008. Modeling flow and nitrate transport in a deep alluvial vadose zone: Different approaches for characterizing subsurface heterogeneity. Presented at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) XVII International Conference, San Francisco, California, July 6-10, 2008.
Botros, F.E., Y.S. Onsoy, and T. Harter. 2008. Long-term nitrate leaching in a deep alluvial vadose zone: Flow and transport modeling. Presented at W-1188 Soil Physics Technical Committee Annual Meeting, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2-4, 2008.
Botros, F.E., A. Hassan, and G. Pohll. 2007. Block-effective dispersivity in heterogeneous media: Effects of porosity and distribution coefficient variability. Presented at the International Symposium on Technology and Society, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 1-2, 2007.
Hassan, A., F.E. Botros, D.M. Reeves, and G. Pohll. 2006. On the continuum representation of the fracture networks. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 11-15, 2006.
Botros, F.E., A. Hassan, and G. Pohll. 2006. Assessment of hydraulic conductivity upscaling techniques and associated uncertainty. Presented at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) XVI International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 19-22. 2006.