Jennifer Hill

Jennifer Hill, PE

Principal Engineer

Albuquerque, New Mexico


(505) 822-9400

Ms. Hill is a Senior Civil Engineer licensed in New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. With more than 20 years of experience, her expertise lies primarily in water and wastewater systems. This includes water storage, pumping, pipelines, condition assessment and rehabilitation, master plan and fire flow studies, environmental permitting, water and wastewater facility design, sewer rehabilitation design, utility routing, monitoring and reporting, computer modeling, planning studies, facilitating public meetings, and coordinating with task forces.

Ms. Hill has extensive project management experience, from facility design to infrastructure planning, permitting, geographic information systems (GIS), and asset management applications. From water availability studies, source of supply, and effluent management studies, Ms. Hill has proven expertise in water system analysis/modeling experience for existing and new commercial developments. Her considerable design experience includes preliminary engineering reports for water and wastewater; water system replacement and rehabilitation, including pipelines, tanks, well and disinfection improvements; and new design of water infrastructure. Ms. Hill’s wastewater experience includes master planning and hydraulic modeling, sanitary sewer and lift station evaluation and design, and wastewater lagoon improvements.

  • Education

    BS, Civil Engineering, Florida International University

  • Registration / Certification

    Professional Engineer, New Mexico

    Professional Engineer, Arizona

    Professional Engineer, California

    Professional Engineer, Colorado

    Asset Management Certification, Buried Asset Management Institute

  • Specializations

    Water, wastewater, and reuse infrastructure engineering

    Utility master planning and asset management

    Construction observation and operations support

  • Affiliations

    New Mexico Water (American Water Works Association Rocky Mountain Section)

  • Additional Training

    Project Management Bootcamp Training – PSMJ Resources Inc.

    Asset Management Certification – Buried Asset Management Institute

    Innovyze InfoWater Advanced Training

Select Publications and Presentations

Hill, J. 2022. Recharge and Reuse as Part of a Diversified Water Portfolio. Presented at the 36th Annual Tri-State Seminar. Las Vegas, Nevada, August 9-12, 2022.

Hill, J. 2022. Planning, Design, and Construction of the Hopi Regional Water System. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 7-8, 2022.

J. Hill, K. Flis, J. Chiasson. 2019. Advanced Water Treatment for Aquifer Recharge. WateReuse Symposium. San Diego, California, September 10, 2019.

Hill, J. 2018. Reuse and Recharge Project Examples in the Southwest U.S. Presented at 4th Annual New Mexico Water Workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 26 and 27, 2018.

Moore, S., Hill, J., Johannesen, C. 2018. Collaboration for the Albuquerque Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Watershed Based Permit. Presented at Texas Water 2018. San Antonio,Texas, April 24-26, 2018.

Ewing, A., Hill, J., and Wolf, C. 2017. Collaboration and the MS4 Watershed Based Permit. Presented at the 33rd Annual Tri-State Seminar. Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26-28, 2017.

Hill, J. 2017. Collaboration and the MS4 Watershed Based Permit. Presented at the 33rd Annual Tri-State Seminar. Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26-28, 2017.

Hill, J., 2017. Asset Management and Life Cycle Analysis. Presented at Rocky Mountain Section of American Water Works Association and Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association 3rd Annual New Mexico Water Workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 7, 2017.

Hill, J., 2016. Source Water Protection Planning. Presented at the 2016 2nd Annual New Mexico Water Workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico. April 28 – 29, 2016.

Hill, J., 2015. Asset Management: Tools and Resources. Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority: A Water Audit Case Study. New Mexico Infrastructure Finance Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 28-30, 2015.

Hill, Jennifer. 2014. Where are the Women? Women in the Engineering and Science Workplace. Presented at 2014 Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association and the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association Joint Annual Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 8, 2014.

Hill, J. 1998. Large Diameter Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project for City of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Presented at Northern California  Pipe Users Group, February 1999 and North American NO-DIG conference, April 1998

Hill, J. 2001. Designing Water Infrastructure for an Expanding Community. Public Works magazine, June 2001.