Oil, Gas, Energy Overview
DBS&A is recognized by our clients and peers as a premier environmental consulting firm. We apply our technical and regulatory expertise to develop innovative solutions to effectively address our clients’ environmental issues. DBS&A provides the following services to the oil and gas industry:
- Spill response for produced water and crude oil impacted soil, and incident management
- Contaminant delineation and site characterization
- Hydrogeological characterization and environmental monitoring
- Soil and groundwater remediation system design, implementation, and operation
- Numerical modeling for contaminant plume capture and containment
- Carbon Management Services
- Multi-phase fluid modeling
- Vadose zone and groundwater monitoring programs
- Subsurface injection
- Water supply sourcing and development
- Public water supply design, permitting, and compliance monitoring
- Brine management
- Waste management and disposal
- Wildlife and endangered species surveys and natural/cultural resource management
- Regulatory compliance
- Spill prevention control and countermeasures (SPCC) plans
- Stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs)
- Waters of the U.S. delineation
- Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) surveying and waste management
- Environmental due diligence, facility assessments, and audits
- Environmental impact studies/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance
- Texas Railroad Commission (RRC) regulatory compliance, permitting, and enforcement action support
- Operator cleanup program (OCP) and voluntary cleanup program (VCP) support
- Investigation of water quality complaints in active oil and gas production areas
- Permitting and design for oil and gas, fresh and produced water storage pits (i.e., Form H-11)
- Landfarming, land treatment, and land application permitting
- Civil and geotechnical engineering design
- Federal land permitting, compliance, and reclamation (New Mexico-specific)
- Litigation support and expert witness testimony