Texas Groundwater Summit

The 2024 Texas Groundwater Summit DBS&A professionals are attending the 2024 Texas Groundwater Summit.is taking place August 20 through 22, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas. DBS&A is sponsoring the video/live stream. Senior Vice President and Principal Hydrologist Neil Blandford, PG, and Geologists Paul Kirby, PG, and Russell Perry, PG, will be in attendance.

DBS&A has supported Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) for 19 years, with expertise in Water Planning and Development, Groundwater Availability Studies/Groundwater Modeling, Wellfield Development and Well Design, and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR).

The event will also be attended by GCD staff and board members; well drillers and well technology companies; water providers and planners; groundwater stakeholders from a variety of industries, including agriculture, oil and gas, environmental, and industrial; attorneys, hydrogeologists, and engineers working in the water field; and groundwater technology experts and vendors. The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD) supports Texas groundwater conservation districts and their efforts to conserve, preserve, and protect Texas groundwater.