Meet us at the Managed Aquifer Recharge Symposium
Geo-Logic (GLA) companies will be at the 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR) in Long Beach, California, on April 11 to 15, 2022. GLA is a “MARveolous Exhibitor” and Doug Bartlett, RG, Principal Hydrogeologist of GLA affiliate, Clear Creek Associates, has been a major contributor on the conference organizing committee. Cooperating organizations include: American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), European Federation of Geologists (EFG), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), California Department of Water Resources (DWR). Learn more about the conference.
Representatives from theJason Melady, RG, CWRE, Principal Hydrogeologist of GLA subsidiary, Summit Water Resources, will present on the topic of Evaluation of Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Municipal Residential Stormwater in the Pacific Northwest US, on Wednesday, April 13.
Other GLA subsidiary attendees will include: Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates (DBS&A) Principal Hydrogeologist and Vice President; Gus Tolley, PhD, DBS&A Staff Hydrogeologist; and Larry Eaton, RG, LHG, Summit Principal Hydrogeologist. Learn more about the GLA companies’ water resources experience and capabilities.
More on the presentation by Jason Melady, RG, CWRE, on Evaluation of Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Municipal Residential Stormwater in the Pacific Northwest US: In many parts of the Pacific Northwest, wintertime urban stormwater represents an ample, cool, and relatively clean source of water. In most locations, stormwater is discharged to surface water at rates that are far higher than the natural undeveloped hydrologic regime, which can be detrimental to stream channels and aquatic life. Runoff from impervious urban areas also reduces natural groundwater recharge and cool base flow, in turn impairing summertime instream flows. This project will utilize stormwater collected in a suburban residential neighborhood in Beaverton, Oregon, which will be treated to remove any potential contaminants and will then be used for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in a deep basalt aquifer during the winter. The stored stormwater will be recovered in the summer and used as the source of water for a “purple pipe” irrigation system currently being installed in adjacent residential and commercial developments and will also be used for streamflow and temperature enhancement in Summer Creek, a tributary to Fanno Creek and the Tualatin River. Following the completion of a positive feasibility evaluation in 2018 and a grant award from the Oregon Water Resources Department, the project moved into pilot-scale implementation of the water treatment elements of the project in the spring and fall of 2020. This presentation will describe the overall project concept and history, and discuss stormwater treatment pilot testing to meet water quality requirements for use as a groundwater recharge source.